Sharing my 125 softie tank

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7450863#post7450863 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefnewbie54321
Have you ever witnessed your tang eating Caulerpa??? Tangs tend to stay away from it unless they are hugry ... I'm assuming your tang is so fat becuase it is well feed. The tang would much rather feed on nori or tang heaven over Caulerpa.

I feed it to him nearly everyday,so yes, I guess you could say I have witnessed it.:)
Tangs will stay away from caulerpa unless they like it. The ones that tend not to eat it unless they are hungry are the ones that most likely will NOT eat it anyway. The fact is, there are very few Surgeon's who wont eat caulerpa.
As to what a Tang prefers to eat, it all depends upon your special Tang. I feed mine tons of different foods. All of my fish get fed 3 times daily. Gordo (my Fat Surgeon) will devour ALMOST anything. He prefers (not in any particular order) seaweed select, caulerpa, spirulina, dianichi (marine and veggie), cyclopeeze, krill, mysis, brine, squid, Marine cuisine(mix) and sometimes likes to nibble on my finger for the heck of it: Havent used tang heaven....i'm sure he would like it. rolleyes:
And yep, my Vlamingi is hand fed, as is my CopperBand Butterfly, Maroon Clown and Yellow Watchman Goby. Dont you just love Saltwater fish! :dance:
Fat . well darn, and I had a medical question for ya, JK.:)
I see on the caulerpa, I have it in all of my tanks, two of which have yellow tangs and they won't touch the caulerpa, guess they are well fed also, but I do feed them nori so that keeps them happy.
Get that new camera and lets see some pics.:)
You can still ask me a medical question if you like. You just might not get the right answer ;)
As for the camera, I'm workin on that. I'm going to be out of town here pretty quick and may not get to it for a couple weeks. I'll try to post some older pictures though (not to old, maybe 6 months or so.)
I got a 12 galloon Nano today! Fully stocked and perfect condition for 75 bucks, what a bargain! Came with 2 toadstool, a LARGE clam (I'm talkin mongo huge!), a smaller clam,several hairy mushroom and 2 brown button colonies. Also came with some extra loc-line that I can use for one of my new projects. It looks absolutely fabulous! Will get some pics of
How cool is that? I love bargains.
I just picked up a beautiful BTA for 20.00 , got to be in the right place at the right time for sure.
I would love to see that nano.
So your taking a vacation? Or work related where you won't be having any fun?
Some more pictures of it's inhabitants.
First my 2 mouth BTA. She was white when I saved her from the FS and now this is her in all of her glory. Picture taken yesterday.
You can see her transformation on my web site.
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More down below
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The end:)
I had a bubble coral that died recently. I think my softies poisoned him because I don't run carbon. Do you think it would be wise to run it constantly to absorb some of the chemical warfare that is going on? If so, how often should I change it?
Hi Jon, I run carbon at all times in my tank, just a half cup in the 125. changed once a month.
I double it was warfare, where you feeding your bubble?
I feed mine mysis shrimp at sometimes if I have a small piece of silverside left over I give it that which it eats.
King, thanks so much, the 125 is only 5 months old.
All stock came from my other tanks but I have added to it since with zoos and shrooms and fish.
The sand is also new, it is Southdown sand.
But the rest is from other tanks I have.
Do you have any emerald crabs in your tank? I have one that likes to eat the caleurpa that I just put into it. Also, my bubble coral is dead now. I lost a torch coral a month ago, and it may have caught the same disease. When it was alive I fed it plankton and brine shrimp.
Yes I have one small one but it has not bothered anything in the tank so far, it has been in it since I set it up.
But that may be the curprit in yours, sometimes they don't play nice.
I witnessed mine eating my caleurpa again. I had to get rid of him. He was even eating some of my clove polyps and yellow polyps. As soon as my algae gets established, I'm going to try to go without a sump just like you do.
do you have any regular small hermit crabs in your tank? I got rid of the emerald crab, but my algae is still disappearing. I have a yellow tang, but I've never seen him eating the caleurpa.
Hi Jon, yes I have both blue and red leg hermits in the tank, about 20 or so in the 125. My tangs have never eatin the caulerpa as she eats mysis and formula one just fine and is never hungry.
Thanks so much bluecarpe.
Here are some pictures I took a few days ago when I feed
Coral Vibrance.
I love it as do all of the corals so took some pictures of some of there reaction when it was put in the water.
And some other pretty pictures.
I love this picture, she was blowing around in the current .
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Feeding time. The leather loves it.
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And so does the star polps
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Even the baby BTA over expands for some of it.
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My two mouth anemone is also in this tank. You can see here recovery from bleaching on my web site.
This is her open and happy.
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And her with a question for me. I love this picture.
I never did find out what she was asking tho, ;)
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My new Additions today.
Chameleon palys and red and green zoos, and a new replacment for the true perk that jumped the tank.
Cool ha?
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