Sharing my 125 softie tank

And the new zoos, they have'nt opened yet but they are starting.
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Nemo, that is an awsome looking tank.

On your 13th picture, what kind of coral is that? Its the coral on the bottom with green tips with white spots in the middle.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7591650#post7591650 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 55semireef
Oh, they are star polyps. Nice. I have a small frag of those that I got as hitchikers and I always wondered what it was. Now I know.
Took some new pictures as seems the corals are growing fast since I started feeding the Coral Vibrance.
Hope you enjoy the pictures.
New blastos
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This picture taken 5-19
I wish I could get a clear picture of the full tank, they always turn out a bit blurry.
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Picture taken 6-28

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Xenia picture taken 6-28 just after feeding Coral Vibrance, they are closed up eating.
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Bought a wide angle lens for my camera and was trying it out.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

Fuzzy shrooms have multiplied and now have 4 new babys crowding in.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
Still looks great. Finding Nemo, having three BTAs in a tank won't hurt them but say I get a Carpet anemone and I have a condy already, will the do chemicle warfare?
Yes they will and the Carpet will win as they have a potent sting.
There are some people on RC that do keep several kinds of nems in their tank but that have large tanks, 125 or over.
I would never add anything in the way of different anemones to my tanks with the roses as they will start to move to get out of its way as it finds it's place.
So far not one of my anemones has moved around the tanks and stay put.
So personally I would not do it in less then a 125 and then it is still risky.
Actually I am pretty sure the Condy has a more powerful sting. The main factor of the battle would be the size of the anemones. Whos bigger and whos smaller.

But how do two different types of anemones know each other are there?
You may be right, I however do not know much about other anemones as I only keep roses and a flower/rock anemone. So take what I say about any others with a grain of salt ok:)
I don't know how they tell that there is another nearby.
I do know that they do and will wither away from the other when threatoned or stung.
Alright cool. I took the advice.

But in the future, if there is chemicle warfare with any coral or anemone just run carbon and that should remove the threat right?
55. not necessarily, if they continue to stay side by side there will be stings and the animals will start to turn white or shrivel and not come back.
Yes carbon is a must and I run it in every tank that I have because I have so many different things together in one tank.
Just as an example
I have a very large RBTA that was gorgeous and about 10 inches across.
I placed a leather next to it but about 2 inches from the outer most edge of it.
Well, the fighting starting, you could almost hear the whining from them both, the leather mucused up and the anemone retreated and there they both sat.
I moved the leather another 6" from the anemone and all is fine again.
They both open fine now and not more hollaring between them.
All those swear words where the worst;)
So just be aware, two different species will fight via chemical warfare or stings if they don't like there neighbor, kind of like people:)
Well my Condy Anemone is all by himself and all my other corals such as: Frogspawn, hammer, xenia, star polps, yellow polps, leather, bubble etc. are in the middle and on the other side of the tank. I just put really high quality carbon in my tank today and did about a 20-25% water change.

Oh btw, I also have a pink tube anemone thats on the bottom which is doing great. Will that too release chemicles?
55. Most corals have some kind of defense.
The new charcoal is a good idea and great on your water change, you are doing everything you can to help it and I hope that it pulls through for you.
Reduce your lighting by a few hours during the day to let it rest more.
They close up at night and will rest and that may help it a bit.
I am not sue if I have chemicle warfare going on since all my corals appear to be good but i want to make sure. I know for a fact though my mushrooms are getting stung by my Hammer Coral. They seem to be shriveled during most of the day. They were fine before I got the hammer. Take a look and sorry for such a huge picture.
