shark and ray tank ideas


New member
im looking into getting a shark tank. im thinking about these tanks.

96x96x48 cube (1900 gallons)
96x48 cylinder (1500 gallons)
60x48 hexagon (1900 gallons)

which tank would be the best for a few sharks and rays?
cylinder or a tank with round corners would be best. no offense your question seems basic, read read read. Scott micheal sharks & rays is a good place to start. Tank style dims are dependent on type of shark you are keeping. 4' deep tank isnt necessary for cat type sharks, black tips tank dims listed are too small.
Cylinder tanks are a hell more expensive than cube or rectangle tanks. Im no shark expert but i imagine a cylinder tank would be best for sharks and rays since they can continually swim without stopping.

Just my 2 cents.
First you need to decide what sharks you want. But your best bet is going to be a swimming pool. Here is the tank from macna's tour of the local high school. They have a shark tank and a seperate ray tank, both are round or actually more oval:


listen to the advise you where already given!
What kind of sharks do you wish to keep. With the limited info given I would go with the cylinder for sure. Any way you can get a long tank down in the basement? Or is 96 the max on the length?
"i want to keep sharks that look like sharks."

This tells us nothing. Since 96 is the limit though, you are gonna have to stick with just a few types of sharks. Bamboo cat, Marble, etc. No black tips or nurse sharks. So I would go with the cylinder for sure. Like others said though it will be considerably more costly but if that is not a problem I'd go for it.
Well,i would go with the cylinder myself,and it seems that you're set on having a shark,but look into the species first rather than gettin a system then going out and buying something thats gonna outgrow the tank in 6months.