Sharks in Nano Tanks Now!!


New member
Some of you who subscribe to marine depot got to reserve the new formula Deknarp Biogenics Pisces Minimus
This new formula stunts growth of your fish so now you can keep sharks and tangs in smaller tanks.

Deknarp Biogenics Pisces Minimus

Best April Fools Joke yet!!
I just got an email from BRS about acropora seeds. "simply add the seeds to any saltwater, freshwater, or empty aquarium and watch as the corals grow".
Is that what that was? I just delete the BRS emails anymore - dont even read em. They've lost my business.
Within the month, there's going to be thread from someone saying "Help! My shark is still growing and I don't have money to upgrade my nano cube."
I just checked my email and saw this and was gonna post on here regarding it! Hahah
Also if anyone checks out the "seeds" on BRS the reviews are pretty comical.
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It's not just the credit card hack that occured - it's a bunch of reasons why they no longer have my trust.

This is all my opinion of course - with nothing to back it up - take it for what you will.

I question the purity of their supplies - like GFO, Carbon, and 3 part. I'm probably being paranoid - and it's most likely everyone's fault for misusing the above items - but I see alot of problems w/ 2 part dosing, running gfo and running carbon. I see some successes too. That's why my next tanks will only be filter socks and a skimmer and a UV.

I question their marketing. I'm a strong believer in RO/DI and processing chloramine treated water with quality carbon blocks rather than cheap stuff. Their "study" on chloramine breakthough is flawed and unscientific - yet they recommend a product based on their "study."

Alot of the things I may want to buy from them are out of stock.

I question the quality of their dry goods - especially filter socks. The micron rating of their filter socks are in really small print. I think I'll trust the LFS next time.
I just feel they are turning into the wal-mart or the home depot of the aquarium trade. Did you know the business strategy of those two companies? They tell people what they will pay for a product and it's up to the people who make the product to develop the mfg process to bring their costs down to be profitable when dealing with them. So corners are cut, cheaper materials are used. John Deere is an excellent example of this - the tractors they sell to Home depot are not the same tractors you get at the shop on 19 in new port ritche.

Again - I have no evidence this is what BRS does - it's just my gut and a guess.

I'm a serious person - probably too serious - so these "jokes" on april's fool coming from a business are unprofessional to me. I don't want to deal with an unprofessional company.