New member
hello all, im honestly just venting with this post. as many know the east coast of united states is about to get hit with a hurricane that usually doesnt come our way. the further north up the sea board you go, the less the area is prepared or even cappable of handling a hurricane. whats making this situation worse for me is the area i live in. currently the situation looks like this. i live on the bay, we are expecting 2 high tides for monday, plus a new moon (makes tides higher by them selves), rapid rain of about 6-12" of rain fall, 70+ mph winds for a full 48hrs, then from monday to tuesday a severe temp drop to the low 50s and mid 40s...
i currently live in a town on the bay, dead in the middle of new jersey, this bay area is supposed to take the worse of the storm surge as water piles up in the to the storm has moved a lil more north and the eye is supposed to cut thru the middle of new jersey, a gen is not an option for me, they are not available or completely out of my wallet range. battery driven air pumps are not common in my area...sooooo they think power will be lost from 7-10 days after the storm. so no power and low temps (my heat in the house will only do so much), we can all see where this is goin..... not saying this for sympathy, but stirring my tank isnt gunna save it for even 4-5 days. i truly believe im about to loose THOUSANDS of dollars in corals and fish. its a sad reality, but its still caused by mother nature and not human error. this is a hobby and nothing last forever, i may sound cruel, but i think im just prepared for the worst and hope for the best. anybody goin thru this with this storm, be good be safe, think possitive and best wishes!!!!
i currently live in a town on the bay, dead in the middle of new jersey, this bay area is supposed to take the worse of the storm surge as water piles up in the to the storm has moved a lil more north and the eye is supposed to cut thru the middle of new jersey, a gen is not an option for me, they are not available or completely out of my wallet range. battery driven air pumps are not common in my area...sooooo they think power will be lost from 7-10 days after the storm. so no power and low temps (my heat in the house will only do so much), we can all see where this is goin..... not saying this for sympathy, but stirring my tank isnt gunna save it for even 4-5 days. i truly believe im about to loose THOUSANDS of dollars in corals and fish. its a sad reality, but its still caused by mother nature and not human error. this is a hobby and nothing last forever, i may sound cruel, but i think im just prepared for the worst and hope for the best. anybody goin thru this with this storm, be good be safe, think possitive and best wishes!!!!