Shoooooo go away hurrican Sandy!!!


New member
hello all, im honestly just venting with this post. as many know the east coast of united states is about to get hit with a hurricane that usually doesnt come our way. the further north up the sea board you go, the less the area is prepared or even cappable of handling a hurricane. whats making this situation worse for me is the area i live in. currently the situation looks like this. i live on the bay, we are expecting 2 high tides for monday, plus a new moon (makes tides higher by them selves), rapid rain of about 6-12" of rain fall, 70+ mph winds for a full 48hrs, then from monday to tuesday a severe temp drop to the low 50s and mid 40s...

i currently live in a town on the bay, dead in the middle of new jersey, this bay area is supposed to take the worse of the storm surge as water piles up in the to the storm has moved a lil more north and the eye is supposed to cut thru the middle of new jersey, a gen is not an option for me, they are not available or completely out of my wallet range. battery driven air pumps are not common in my area...sooooo they think power will be lost from 7-10 days after the storm. so no power and low temps (my heat in the house will only do so much), we can all see where this is goin..... not saying this for sympathy, but stirring my tank isnt gunna save it for even 4-5 days. i truly believe im about to loose THOUSANDS of dollars in corals and fish. its a sad reality, but its still caused by mother nature and not human error. this is a hobby and nothing last forever, i may sound cruel, but i think im just prepared for the worst and hope for the best. anybody goin thru this with this storm, be good be safe, think possitive and best wishes!!!!
maddmaxx said:
i truly believe im about to loose THOUSANDS of dollars in corals and fish.
I have heard from friends living inland in Maryland and they are expecting pretty much the same thing: several days without power, 6-12" rain, etc. Sorry, but I can't help thinking that a few thousand on a generator stacked against the cost of your tank and its inhabitants, plus the need to keep your fridge and freezer going, a stove to cook on, etc. for a few days is probably top of the list regarding the budget. You can even get generators that run off natural gas, which doesn't go out when the power does.

It's really a matter of how one sets one's priorities, not a just a matter of cost.

im goin to be moving at end of feb cause of my job, i was first supposed to leave in september, so i wasnt expecting to be here nor expecting a hurricane to smash with a winter storm over nj. so i sheepishly will admit, planning the move and planning relocating, that, no a generator was not a priority...
Dam maddmaxx sorry to read whats to come.. I do Hope that the power get turn back on SOON if it does go out/ I'm up here in Tobyhanna, PA . ANd Man . I Pray the power does not go out either... I have no generator. Just Lots of blankets and battery operated air pump.
I live up the street from Keansnurg, I went and tried to fire up my generator yesterday and something is amiss. I went to a few local shops and they said they are to busy, so know I have been hunting for a new one, but they are sold out everywhere.
Good Luck. Been thru plenty of them here in South Florida.... Generator is a must...if not battery powered aerators will do the job.
GOOD LUCK and stay dry and safe
I live up the street from Keansnurg, I went and tried to fire up my generator yesterday and something is amiss. I went to a few local shops and they said they are to busy, so know I have been hunting for a new one, but they are sold out everywhere.

yea around here is crazy right now. i heard the closet 3 lowes and home depots are sold out of everything. even companies like grangers and harbor frieght are even sold out...
battery driven air pumps are not common in my area
Emergency options typically are good to have on hand before they're needed, not trying to be a smarta** either.

Although with as early as this storm was known surely you could have ordered something online and get expedited shipping?
you can get a small generator at harbor freight for under $200. it wont run the house can alternate the fridge and the tank to keep them both. you need food for the week and its cheap to do. balanced against the cost of losing everything. they might be hard to find in your area though. do you have anyone in your local club or someone you can ship The corals and fish to to hang on to them till the conditions improve.

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On boxing day last year Finland was hit by the worst storm in decades. The storm hit Norway and Sweden much harder - on a hurricare strenght winds, but not as hard here.
There were severe damages and many many friends of mine had really hard time with their tanks. Some systems were lost complitely :facepalm:
I'm also planning to get a generator soon. We moved to the same area where the storm hit particularly hard...

I hope everyone there the best of luck, and please keep safe!
Sandy is on the news in here too!!
Yes I'm sitting here in Ireland checking the News on the storm hoping, praying all will be ok,with you guys in the East coast USA .

Are you in the danger zone

Lt us know how you get on

Bet of luck
my neighbor is getting a 4000w generator and said he will let me tap in to keep the tanks moving. i honestly didnt know about the storm until recently. i only had a day or two time. the storm arrived about 4 hrs ago, but tomorrow will be the brunt of it. i also picked up a battery packed air all is good so far

as far as danger zone, i do live on the bay, the beach is literally behined my house less then 150ft. so theres potential there for some damage, im really hoping the sand dunes hold most of the storm back from my house.
150ft from bay..!.you are truly in a danger zone...i won't criticize you for anything but one could you miss the news.?!..i live in India,even i am aware of Sandy for past 5 days...
otherwise i understand your dilemma...your were scheduled to move out and it got hoped for the best,but now facing worst....i hope your neighbor will carry you along through the trouble time....
Ummm I heard thru word of mouth about the storm. but a generator wudnt help. the bearm behind my house gave way. and I lost everything house, tanks, everything.....its gunna be a couple more days before I'm even allowed to the house...
Ai! That is terrible news. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you have some way of getting recompense.
