Should I Stop Prodibio? Cyano Problem

Patrick Cox

Active member
I have a 100G primarily SPS tank with several fish and I noticed that my largest fish (5" One Spot Foxface) was losing weight so I realized that I needed to start feeding more and did. At the same time, I started dosing Prodibio. And now after about 4 months of doing so, I am getting more and more Cyano in the tank. I am also seeing more green algae in the tank, even though my Foxface and small Kole Tang seem to graze quite a bit. And I seem to get a lot of bubbles in the tank. It seems to be some sort of gas that develops in the sand and is then released and clings to algae on rocks and sandbed. My feeding schedule is 1/2 cube of mysis each day with a supplement of a small strip of Nori every day or every other day. I also know that when I feed, there is food that drifts away and ends up in sandbed and rocks. I am just not sure what to do about that. I guess I could shut down all water flow before I feed. I do turn off Vortechs but I leave the circulation pump running.

Any thoughts on this? I think the Prodibio is causing the Cyano but I am wondering if I stop that, will the green algae get worse? I can add some more clean up crew but I guess I am wondering if I should stop the Prodibio.

I change 8 gallons per week and dose every other week per instructions. I also have a good skimmer. No other dosing or chemicals. Maybe larger water changes? I can't feed less because the Foxface needs a lot of food.

Thanks for suggestions.
