show off your DSB "only calcite " reef tank

Thanks for the link to that site. I browsed it with google translate and found some of the debates to be very interesting. My favourite was the one where this guy had tested what effect his skimmer had on bacteria and phytoplankton before and after using a UV filter. I am now in a situation where I am testing a setup to feed azoox animals with live phyto and zoo plankton. And I had trouble getting my skimmer to skim out phytoplankton. A UV filter may be what I am looking for.
no body have calcite dsb ?
i have calcite dsb but don t go very well ,i have resin rock .. but i don t understand what limit my system..

sorry for my english
norskfisk, why do you want an UV filter?do you want to skim out exceeding phytoplankton ? may be a solution but in such a way you're going to kill plankton and bacteria, as to say your food for many azoox... if you skim away food, you need further supply and so on....simply reducing the input of phyto?