Show off your S. gigantea

My Petco Green Gigantea



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Here's my 3 year old, not as sensitive as you think. A few months ago, 2 weeks after a very successful tank change I had a titanium heater malfunction, I came home to a tank that was 37 degrees and every coral and living fish dead. Only survivors were the gig and the 2 clowns, 3 months later and the tank is now on the road to recovery.





I really think once you get a healthy one established they are pretty bulletproof. My green recently got chewed up by an MP10 after it decided to take a 2 foot walk in 8 hours. Foot and mouth was undamaged but the disc was chopped up in about 6 different areas all the way around. It was bad enough in some spots that I cut away a couple of the most shredded areas with surgical scissors. Within 24 hrs it had pulled in the damaged areas to close off the open wounds. By a week later it was good as new.
Here's my 3 year old, not as sensitive as you think. A few months ago, 2 weeks after a very successful tank change I had a titanium heater malfunction, I came home to a tank that was 37 degrees and every coral and living fish dead. Only survivors were the gig and the 2 clowns, 3 months later and the tank is now on the road to recovery.
I gather that's 37º C as in 98º F ... Actually, living in the shallows in tidal pools and or exposed at low tide, they are well adapted to temperature and salinity changes. S. gigantea likes warmer waters and can handle higher temps.
I gather that's 37º C as in 98º F ... Actually, living in the shallows in tidal pools and or exposed at low tide, they are well adapted to temperature and salinity changes. S. gigantea likes warmer waters and can handle higher temps.

Yep C, tank normally runs at 26 so quite a big jump over 8 hours
IMO, HotTuna flow is not anywhere near enough for Gigantea. Turn it up some.

Ok , just got in the DT i'm gonna let it settle in a day or 2 ,then increase the flow...

light is radion @ 12k 65% to start...It will go up to 100% in the next few you suggested....maybe even add a 6500k spot ....stay tuned