Here's an update of what I'll be bringing. Here's my little land-o-frags. They haven't had long enough to encrust, but all of the frags are healthy with full polyp extension.
As far as acros, there's one unknown purple, 4 blue tenuis, 2 bright yellow/green tenuis, and 5 green tenuis frags. Also, 1 orange montipora spongodes, and at least 6 orange monti cap frags
A different angle, without the glass distortion
Several of the parent colonies are visible in this pic
I'll also be bringing
2-3 frags of pink pulsing xenia
A few frags of these pink plague zoas (great for beginners, you can't kill 'em)
And 1-2 frags of these light green zoas
If Christy is willing to let me steal a few, I might bring a frag of these bright orange zoas
If I can pull anything else together, I'll post more pics tomorrow.
I never did frag either of my leathers. The yellow fiji has been extremely temperamental lately, and it looks like something has been taking chunks out of it at night. Fragging didn't seem like such a good idea.
I also decided not to frag my birdsnest this time. It took a tumble in the rocks a couple of weeks ago, and lost some of its color before I rescued it. I want to give it a chance to recover fully, and I'll bring frags next time.