shrimp and corals???


Ex FMAS bod member
Premium Member
I read this on another thread. "peppermints and camel shrimp. All of those things that you don't want being around your corals..." Why would would you not want these around the corals? What do they do to them?
Okay that sounded a bit crass. Camels definitely eat corals with no doubt in my mind. Peppermints are useful for getting aiptasia anemones, however when they're hungry, they'll definitely chow down on other corals as well. I've personally had a caulestra (trumpet/candycane coral) eaten by a peppermint, I watched him do it, so I know it was him. Some others have been very concerned about peppermints in their tanks because they had corals that wern't doing well, and it might have been the shrimps harassing and/or eating corals.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11904787#post11904787 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
Peppermints are useful for getting aiptasia anemones, .

The dozen peppermints I added to my tank would beg to differ :D
Well Jeff.... I dunno. I've done it and succeeded, I've done it and failed. The results are similar to everything else in this hobby. Works for some, doesn't work for others/most. Oh well.
I'm the same as ReefWreak..I've almost lost a whole colony of zoas before I realized that it was the peppermint shrimp. IMO, not worth the risk. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the scarlet cleaner shrimp may be a good alternative if you're just looking for a shrimp for you tank.
If you're looking for an entertaining shrimp, then yes, any of the cleaner shrimps are the way to go (skunk, blood shrimps). The Coral Banded shrimp is a toss up, as I've heard of them being agressive, but I don't know what the extent of that is, and I imagine that they're usually docile and good reef inhabitants.

The only reason I've ever seen someone knowingly purchase a peppermint shrimp is for Aiptasia control.

Granted, the Peppermint shrimp, Camel shrimp, and other "Dancing Shrimp" do make great displays, however they are just finnicky as to how they'll behave in a reef tank. Their dancing motion is certainly beautiful.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11905541#post11905541 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by d9sccr
I'm the same as ReefWreak..I've almost lost a whole colony of zoas before I realized that it was the peppermint shrimp.

I have several peps and they won't touch the pink plague, wish they would.
My biggest problem with shrimp of any kind around my corals is stealing food. My peppermint, cleaners, and fire shrimp will pounce on any food i try to spot feed my lps. Even if i give the shrimp a big hunk of food before i try to feed, they either eat it quick or stash it and go after the lps's food.

This is especially bad with my scolymia's. I feed a hunk of shrimp and would have to stand guard with a baster for an hour while it ate. Even after they ate and closed completely around the food and then 15-20 minutes later the shrimp would dig into it and pull out the food I:mad2:

I will never have shrimp in any tank i plan to spot feed corals in again.