Shrimp disease to fish


New member
Hi guys/girls

I picked up two tiny cleaner shrimp at the LFS today (from a tank of like 25),

Acllimated them and dropped them in...

I then realised one had a 1/4 in. circular peach colored bump on his side (shrimp is about 1.5 inches long)

I looks like something is attatched to him.

He's hiding so I can't get a pic for now :mad:

Any idea if this is some sort of disease or parasite that could be caught by my fish?!?!?!?!? :eek2:

About the size of a BB? Milky white or cloudy in appearance? Encapsulated under the shrimp's carapace near the 1st or 2nd pair of legs?

Sounds like a parasitic copepod. I'm not sure to what extent it affects the shrimp's health, but regardless, probably not a whole lot you can do about it without risking the life of your shrimp.

My advice is to take it back to your LFS and tell them you'd like to swap it for a healthy one.

I dont care about the shrimp really....(I know it's mean but :p )

The real question is do i have to break down my aquascape to catch him b/c the parasite could go after fish next?

EDIT: yes the size of a bb, hard to tell if it's under the carpace or not, the shrimp is still hiding alot... oh and it's opaque...sorta skin colored
AFAIK, they are shrimp/crab specific parasites but I'm not currently privy to any literature that supports that assumption.

Can anyone give me a definitive answer?

Thanks alot Putawaywet, I was thinking the same thing as you, but I'd like to be sure...
Oh here's a pic
