Shrimp/Goby Pair selection/requirements


New member
I have a 40 breeder reef tank with two ocellaris clownfish. I want to get a shrimp/goby pair but I am looking for suggestions on species and also how to keep them happy.

1. Is my substrate ok? I have about 2-3 inches of ARAG-ALIVE SPECIAL GRADE SAND. Is this deep enough? I also have about 25lbs of live rock.

2. My two favorite are the wheeler's shrimp goby and the Yasha goby. How do these compare personality wise? I'm also open to other suggestions. I would ideally like to go captive bred but I have only seen the Yasha goby CB, not the Wheeler's. In terms of shrimp, I like the red banded which is compatible with either of these.

3. How much destruction do you have to worry about with these guys? Will sand and rocks be moving around every day or once they make a burrow do they calm down? I don't use egg crate so I'm worried that moving the sand will cause my rocks to shift.

my yellow watchmen goby and shrimp were fine with about 2 inches of sand. they didn't really make much of a mess either. their was sometimes id have to brush off a piece of rock but that was rare. as for keeping them happy I didn't do anything different with the tank.
My honest thoughts on this: 2-3 inches is fine, 4-6 inches would a little better if possible that way they can create a sizable burrow, and minimize the possibility of cave ins. Just my 2 cents based on experience
I feel that you have plenty of substrate. I didn't use egg crate. I feel that under my rock is bare bottom. That lil guy is a bulldozer,always working. No addl requirements are necessary. On occasion I will show a lil love with shrimp pieces.