shriveled up rhodactis

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My Rhodactis is all shriveled up!! I got it about a month ago and it was fine and all of a sudden it started shriveling up. It is the only one and I don't want it to die. I was hoping it would just keep splitting. All of the rest of the mushrooms and corals in my tank are fine. What should I do?
whats your water like? i have a similar issue with one of my three, but i have some cyano or something growing by it, and i feel they are super sensitive to things like that, i had another one that was not attached to a rock so i moved it aswell to an area with less flow and it opened right up.
Nitrites and ammonia are at zero, nitrates are <5ppm, salinity is about 1.025 and temp is 80. It is only happening to that one mushroom though. All the others in the tank are completely fine.
I have a bunch of mushrooms in my tank and some days they just don't come out and open up fully. It also might not like the area it is in maybe to much light or flow?
Was it stung by something? Did it just poop? Sometimes they shrivel up for a day or two for no apparent reason, then puff right back up.
It was in the same spot for about a month and seemed to love it. It would open up huge, then one day it wouldn't open up fully so I moved it to the very bottom of the tank thinking that it was too much light for it. There are no corals close enough to it that might sting it. Nothing has changed and it's been the same way for about 2 weeks now. Could it be splitting? I just noticed that it looks like it might be, but I only see one mouth. I've never had on split before except for my ricordeas so I don't know what it looks like.
so no ideas on what to do? it's still hanging in there, but still is nowhere near as huge as it was when i first got it.
nope. the only thing i've done was move it away from all the other corals just in case something was stinging it that i didn't know about, but so far no improvement. it's just this one mushroom also out of the 100's that are in there
nope. the only thing i've done was move it away from all the other corals just in case something was stinging it that i didn't know about, but so far no improvement. it's just this one mushroom also out of the 100's that are in there

I know it sucks, but I have had some of my mushrooms just disintegrate for no reason ... it was really strange and annoying; nothing was disturbing it, and it was doing really well ... then one day it just shriveled up ... stayed like that for a couple of days, and then death...

P.S.: the only reason I added my comment was because you might want to move him to a QT tank -- even though we have a 92 gallon tank, that one mushroom made the water really toxic and cloudy