sick clown fish


New member
My male clown has swollen lips that I just noticed tonight...anyone have an idea what it is and if it is contagious ???

Just trying to make a funny.... sorry couldn't help it...
you know the milk commercial where there is the white ring left around the mouth... We need to laugh every once in a while

what better to make a joke about a clown fish...ah just clowning around:D
yeah clownfish leave themselves open for jokes.He is doing his submission dance everytime the female comes near and I have not seen him do that in a while. He did react to the food I put in the tank but could not eat.
You are right Malisa , he does look like he has a milk ring...
ouch.......that happen to one of my tangs but his lips also looked frayed.. sorry to say he was dead the very next day..:(
What corals are in the tank? Is the clown hosting any of them? Clowns will mouth corals / anemones they are hosting. I have a clown sucking on some zoa that looked like that. She got over it.
He only hosts the RBTA . he hardly leaves the anemone unless the female runs him out so she can wallow for a while.
he is still swimming this morning so maybe he will survive.His lips look about the same though. I will try to feed him when the lights come on ..if he can eat he stands a good chance for sure.
Goibot you are right but the question is WHAT has he been
I checked the Wilkerson Clownfish book and what he looks like doesn't seem to fit any common disease anyway.

Watch to make sure that he doesn't get any more white around his head or down his body.

I'd try to tempt him with some immune boosting food like the Formula One VHP or one of the HUFA soaks or some such. I've got some extra around you could have some of if you're in my area.

Good luck with him!
The same thing happened to a Naso Tang of mine; unfortunately, he did not make it more than a day or two. Thankfully none of his tank mates ever got sick.
tonight he is still looking rough and not trying to take food but then again I was much later than usual getting home from work tonight and maybe the lack of interest was from the feeding time change
Cathy thanks for looking it up or trying to. I will just try to get over to the LFS and pick up some VHP or something tomorrow evening.
Scott I watched him last night in the anemone and he was not nibbling but then again his mouth is jacked up so maybe he did before and just can't now.I have seen the female nip at the anemone and it has not affected her yet
He is still hanging in there and I picked up some Melafix today to start treating him.He still does not have white spots up the body but his eyes do look a little popped..definately not sitting where they should. The melafix is good for pop eye too so I have my fingers crossed that it will help him. He is acting real sensitive to light...wheather it is the MH's or the flashlight, he is running from light.He definately did not eat tonight and I did not see him get any food last night so that is concerning me . What little time I could get him to let the light hit him, his mouth looked no worse and no better.
Pop eye in Clownfish is stress, usually water conditions. You can often make it go away with a water change. My Mama clown gets it sometimes and it is my first sign that I've let things go too long. One water change and she turns right around.

I'd sure love to see you get some good Omega 3 and HUFA good immune booster stuff in him. When a piggy little clownfish won't eat .. they're SICK.

Good luck!
Low and behold the clown is worlds better tonight. He is eating and his mouth looks a lot better but I can still see some swelling inside his mouth. His eyes even seem to be closer to normal.I will finish the melafix treatment I started . I will also pick up some Formula One VHP tomorrow ( if I can find it). I appreciate all the concern and advice.This is the first sick fish I have had in the 2 years I have been in the hobby and it has been stressful.
The Formula one VHP is just one option ... It's just a high protein boost. You can also just fortify the food you have by getting some HUFA/Omega 3/6 supplement. I'm sure both Dave and Richard carry some kind of it.

Glad to hear he's doing better!