Sick Favid


New member
My Favia colony is suddenly sick with irregular white spots... I dipped it with Rx, but it didn't seem to help. Has anyone seen this disease before? My water quality is fine, but I just adjusted my lights last week to be a little stronger and subsequently turned them back down. I plan on giving it an iodine dip soon. Suggestions anyone?

Thank You,

I wouldn't iodine dip that's just going to stress it more, what are your parameters? I've seen alkalinity or magnesium swings do something similar.
I think you are right organism, I neglected to mention that a tube from my alk/Ca doser came out and wasn't dosing Ca for a few days. Did your favia come back after the swing?
Possibly the start of bleaching from increased light intensity? Just a thought.

+1 on that... this wouldn't be caused by a "few days" a week + maybe, I'm sure you've missed before and this would have been noticed then. I think what you changed would be the culprit of your issues...

+1 on saying NO to iodine as well.