Premium Member
System volume: 800+ gallons
Nitrate is 0
phosphate 0
ph 8.2
calcium ~ ranges from 360-420
magnesium ~ ranges 1200-1300
and the ALK swings between 8-10
I have hundreds of other zoa colonies in the system and these are the only ones doing this. There is nothing stinging them and there is nothing eating them. I have 10-15 wrasses keeping the nudis and sundial snails at bay. There is a source for nitrate and phosphate because I feed the 50+ fish in there often, but the skimmer and water changes keep the nitrate from getting up and the rowaphos keeps the phosphate down. I have had some trouble keeping certain types of zoas/palys such as; purple hornet, African blue hornet, anything with black, and some blues. I do feed the palys, I feed them cyclops but the day before the mohawks started closing I fed them some mysis that had been soaking with some garlic infused seaweed and think that one of them may have eaten a piece of seaweed. This usually isnt a problem because all of my other palys eat the same food and know for a fact that my spiderman palys eat seaweed all the time and are doing great. I dipped them in CoralRX on the first day that they were all closed and nothing came off of them and I looked at them under my dissecting microscope looking for eggs or anything really small and found nothing. I sure would like to know what is happening so that when it happens again Ill know what I'm dealing with.