sick perc with likely fungus.. please help


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I've treated this perc for 2 1/2 days so far with pimafix in a hospital bucket/tank She looks otherwise healthy, but the spot seen here has grown even with treatment of recommended dose of pimafix. So I tripled the dose, nothing to lose I'm sure she will die anyhow. What do I do?? There must be something that will for sure get rid of this. I dont know 100% for sure it's a fungus, but it looks like one to me lol.. and it looks just a fungus spot take from a book on fish disease.

The first pic is my actual fish, but the spot is much larger now and thicker. The second pic is not my fish , but posted b/c it's much clearer of a pic than I can get. It looks exactly same as my perc's spot. That spot on that fish is fungal. So I'm thinking mine is also. Side note, I treated her the first few days with antibiotic. It did nothing.

I did post this in the clownfish forum, but she's going to die soon, so I needed a repost here.
TY for input.


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even with it so fluffy ? ...
I did treat with cipro a few days with no effect before the pimafix . Does that mean it's probably not bacterial?


It should have at least receded a little with Cipro if the growth is bacterial.

Fungus is extremely rare in SW fish. Another possibility is Lympho:

(I have seen the nodules look beige colored instead of white.)
that second pic in my oringal post IS a fungal infection, at least according to book that is talkiinb about fungal infections in fish .. it looks exactly what my perc has. So i'm really doubting it's not fungal esp with it being fluffy like a fungus. not a bacterial film or thick film
It should have at least receded a little with Cipro if the growth is bacterial.

Fungus is extremely rare in SW fish. Another possibility is Lympho:

(I have seen the nodules look beige colored instead of white.)

It's neither bacterial nor Lymphocystis. Bacterial infections do not create fibrose cotton-like growth like this and lymphocystis looks very different. It's fungal for sure:


From Diseases in Marine Aquarium Fish by Gerald Bassleer

Just because it is rare doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And in my experience it isn't actually that rare. I've had precisely this on clownfish before and have seen pictures of others encountering the same. I've also seen Anthias with similar infections that were less fluffy and growing more inward.
You could try an antifungal cream or ointment containing Clotrimazole and directly apply it on the affected areas. You find them in every pharmacy or store with an OTC pharmacy department.

And I would definitely give Malachite green a shot.