Thx for checking back MR...I think things have improved a bit, I'm still not happy with the Lunar Eclipse, Nuclear Greens, and Alpha Omega's...but the PPE's, PH's, Dragon Eyes, and Bam Bams look much better. Today I am replacing my RODI filters and putting back the ATO system. I have not done a water change for 8 days but have been keeping close eye on my calc was down to 325 so I am adjust up the dosing a bit. All in all I think things are bounding gut says the skimmer and poly helped the most so far...perhaps my new RODI filters will also help - they were 12 months old. This is all making me rethink my design for my new system, a mixed reef 36x36x16 plan is to have views from all 4 sides with different coral classifications somewhat separated - i.e. softies/lps/sps and perhaps an anenome safe side. however I think the whole chem warefare thing is something I had not considered in terms of water quality. Thx for making me think...