Sign up to do a demo at the swap!


Premium Member
Have you ever done a really cool, fun, exciting, interesting project that you'd like to show off? Or one that you'd like to demonstrate in front of an interested audience? We're looking for demo-ers (is that a word?) who'd like to show off their talents and help educate the rest of us. We'll definitely be doing a fragging demo (helpful especially for new folks) at the November 4 swap, but there is room for more. This is a great and easy way to make a contribution to the hobby and the club.

So if you'd like to show off a completed project or do a live demo, please drop me a PM and we'll get it planned!

Right now, we definitely have 2 demos planned:
1) Fragging. For many of us, this is now 2nd nature, but this is a great hands-on demo for newbies. We hope to have both some soft, and sps, corals to demo on.
2) Rock plugs/fake rock. Tim Grickis and Brad Kindig will demonstrate how to make rock plugs (for coral frags) and fake live rock out of portland cement, sand, and shells.

We will schedule a time for these before the swap, and will announce them as we get started.

There is still room for another demo or two. If you have something you'd like to do or show off, let us know!
Really looking forward to #2 - I bought what I needed a few months ago, but haven't had a chance to actually do it.
Well, My #2, wait until you get a load of "THE LASER"

I actually did this last night, you got to be careful because if you make too much mud, you end up running around like an idiot trying to make more molds before the mud sets! LOL



P.S. I ended up with over 120 various size plugs
hey unfortunatly i just remembered this thread, if i were more prepared i would demo an acrylic refugium build from scratch, then we could have given it away..

next time count me in though!
I will now be doing the reefplug demo, but not the rock demo. I think someone more familiar with that part should do it or we should wait until the spring swap.

I will be bringing my equipment for plug making as well as a bunch of my freshly made plugs for sale after the demo. I will have some that are almost fully cured and only need about another week or so in water to be safe. I do have a crap load of freshly made non cured that I will also be bringing. I think I have somewhere around 300-400 plugs, and maybe more by the swap. Check them out on fragswapper, as I have listed them and they are fairly priced.

My only concern with the fragging demo is that we should research the best place to purchase them and make that known to those attending the swap.


We'll be handing out a recipe (two recipes, actually) for making the cement for rock plugs. We'll talk about using that same cement to mortar rocks together although we may not assemble very much. The main difference is to keep the mixture a bit "stiffer" when using it to assemble rock. We've done it in the HUB tank, and I can talk about that.