signs of bulbs needing replacement?


New member
what, if any, are the tell-tale signs of a MH bulb needing to be replaced? Short of going out, that is.

I have 7 month old Phoenix bulbs and I have a feeling they're on the out and outs. Corals still seem happy with a few exceptions- 2 frags, both of the same species, that have been in the same spot for the last 5 months and been doing great have started to "burn" on the sides facing the bulbs (i.e. one side is green, the other white)

Any other signs? I'm colorblind and I find it near impossible to detect slight changes in the intensity of the colors!
try checking the intensity with a light meter?????
i`m not sure if that would work but just throwing something out there
I saw recentally people saying that the Phoenix bulbs are only good for about 6 months, your only other option is to get a PAR meater, that will measure the usable light your coral recieves, but get one with a waterproof probe.

If you can see color shifting on your corals and your water parameters have not changed then it is time to change bulbs.

It is almost impossible to go by a length of time because even 2 of the same bulb will burn slightly differently and for different lengths of time.

IMHO it is always best to look at the reaction of your animals.

I am running 20K XMs for about 6 months and also have seen the "burn" on a couple of my corals. As already asked, is this a sign of a bad or old bulb?
What are your water parameters. I would think that high Alk would be more likely than old bulbs.
Actually, my alk is a little low and I am raising it. The "burn" is only on the side of the coral exposed to the direct light.