Silence 1073.020

wolf pup

I'm hoping I haven't made a mistake...I am building a 35 gal with a 12 gal sump and bought a 1073.020 to serve as a return. There will be a little refugium in the sump so I was going to tap some of the return flow through there. However, after noticing some comments about head loss have I gone and bought too small a pump? Opinions?
It will do about 250-300gph for the average 4-5ft return height, but that is nearly 10 time tank turnover and more than enough, your flow should not be from the return pump, you need a slow enough flow for the skimmer and filtration to process the water.
Roger, when it is doing that 250-300, the flow adjustment will still bring it down even more right with no negative affects on the pump or additional heat to the water right? I may want to tweak it down to just over 100gph on my 54 corner through a 10 gallon sump.
There will be slightly more heat build up around the impeller so calcium will build up faster but the wattage drops as the flow is restricted and besides taking a few weeks off how long it can go without cleaning, it will do no harm and generally run cooler, it is just more heat inside the impeller area itself.
The biggest factors are the levels of Calcium, the Magnesium level and KH, assuming relatively normal levels of 400 ppm Ca 1300ppm Mg and a KH of 10-12 this pump will usually go 6 months between cleaning, any level being higher will reduce that to 3-4 months.