Silly question - But curious


Premium Member
I saw a thread the other day regarding proper pronunciations of Reef related words and Tunze was one of them.

So I am curious...what is the proper pronunciation?
I always thought that as well. A quick google search yielded this...

Tunze – This German based manufacturer makes a variety of products that are very popular among aquarists, yet the pronunciation is rarely correct. It is not “ton-zee”. It is also not “toonz”. Much like the car Porsche, the “e” at the end is not silent. The correct pronunciation is “Toon-zah”.
patsfan is correct, but almost universally English speakers say Tun zee and that is the accepted English. That end sound of German is not easily made by an English speaker it is somewhere between eh and ah.
patsfan is correct, but almost universally English speakers say Tun zee and that is the accepted English. That end sound of German is not easily made by an English speaker it is somewhere between eh and ah.

Roger can you do a voice clip for us yanks LOL. :bounce1:
I took two semesters of German at community college about 5-6 years ago to try to learn it, I am hardly qualified.