skimmer air bubbles


New member
there having been tiny air bubbles leaking out of my remora c pro for a few weeks now. i turned it on after being off for 1 week while i was using the powerhead to cure my rocks, after it was turned on it started producing bubbles, it is also overflowing at the top the white foam comes out and there is water coming thru the little hole on top. what should i do?
wat about the ones coming out of the topJ? the water level goes down every week by a couple of gallons because it is escaping thru the top of the skimmer when the bubbles overflow
You need to replace the water lost to the skimmer with saltwater. Some of the water lost is likely due to evaporation, though. You'll need to monitor the SG.

Skimmers sometimes seem to take a while to settle down and stop skimming that way. Cleaning with vinegar might help, but I'd just wait a bit.

Water conditioners also can cause skimmer problems. Are you using tapwater with any kind of water conditioner, chlorine remover, etc?
yea i use tap water wit a conditioner to remove the chlorine and stabilize the chloraminies, that could be it because every time i add new water the bubbles worsten but then get better
it is the skimmer trying to remove all the gunk from the tap water if it is possible i would consider an RO unit try Ebay