Skimmer choices 1100 gallon


New member
I posted a thread in the diy forum too.

I need the be all end all skimmer for this system.

A good friend whom I am inclined to trust thinks that an ASM g-6 is the way to go so I am considering two of them.

What I am considering is a semi-diy using a pre-fabricated body 18" X 90" tall (main reaction chamber 60").

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On these bodies they generally run mazzei venturi's but I have heard some not so positive things about mazzei run skimmers ( including RK2's). and I believe they take BIG pumps.

Then I saw the dart needlewheel mods and thought that would be a nice way to go.

Anyone have ideas on if this might work or not? The costly part will come in if this sized skimmer needs more than one dart and Alita Air pump. Then I'm spending another what $800 go $1000 on the darts and air pumps.

Anyway. I would love to hear opinions and if there are any other ideas fire away.

I have considered simply buying the largest Euroreef recirc model and being done with it but if I could pull this off it would be way more fun don't you think?
if i had the money i would go with Spazz dart needlwheel.Unfortunately i dont so im going to go with a RC500 or maybe a BM250 or 300 if i can wait.
I would contact GEO or one of his suppliers.... I know that when I was I was looking for one for my system 1200g I had a hard time figuring out what I wanted.

I ended up with 2 ~ 800g skimmers but could have gotten by with one from GEO (I had already purchased the 1 prior to discovering what I now know) makes some really good skimmers. I have 1 along with another 800g unit from another manufacture and they do not even compare. The GEO sucks out More skim from my newer system than the other does from a more established system!

I know that has one of the big ones and you can see more info here

Good luck!