skimmer going crazy??


New member
after treating my tank last week with malafix i did a water change and re added my chemi pure bags and a new filter sock setup. Ive had the skimmer on without the skimmate cup for 3 days running now, and it is still going completely crazy.

everytime i turn it on it fills the sump with bubbles/debris and in turn blows it through the return pump into my tank ****ing off my fish.... anybody got any ideas?? It did the same thing when i first hooked everything up, but after a day it calmed down to where i could get it dialed in, this thing just isnt stopping
wait it out with the skimmer on? with all the water bubbles and debris going into the DT? no ill effects on the fish from this?
I agree with jesse, just do another water change....and then wait, it will calm down. what kind of skimmer is it?
Stop rushing and worrying cody. It is not like the skimmer can skim much out of the tank of death .......Hehehehehehe

Keep us posted.
Don't get so defensive. You have to have the ability to sit there and wait in this hobby. All good will come from waiting... oh wait, you have done that for six months and still have a tank of death.....HEhehehehe
Not overriding any ones advice but what would it hurt just to let the skimmer run crazy.

Let it take out as much water as it wants, then do a water change or top it off.

Six months and no fish...thats no good.

Im sure its been covered, but what did you do to cycle the tank? Any members give you some old used filter material?

I could go on, but again, Im sure its been covered.
i have had fish for the entire 6 months, i just lost 6 of them. there are now 4 in the tank with one in QT.

i had 80#s of LR to cycle the tank, and it was empty for about 2 months until it cycled.

tank was fine and healthy until i put a imperator angel in the tank which got stressed. after it died random fish would be dead in the morning with no signs of disease at all.

i have now started to add fish again, everything in the tank is healthy at this point in time im just affraid to add anything for the fear of it dying

as far as the skimmer going crazy, it throughs air bubbles into the tank which can get stuck on the gills of the fish and cause some kindof a issue, along with them being scared to hell and hiding the entire time. It also puts any debris from the sump up into the DT, which i dont like.

and there has been 1 fish that made it the entire time, he went through some tough times, but looks better than the day i bought him now

to sum it up, everything has tested perfect from the time it cycled. random fish died with no signs, only after which the remaining fish started to show signs of ich/popeye. now the tank has fish and they are healthy(for now), but i feel as though i have a "tank of death" as it has been labeled, and im too much of a pansy to put anymore fish in because i dont wanna fluch any more $$$
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14537535#post14537535 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by xXch0dyXx
im just affraid to add anything for the fear of it dying. but i feel as though im too much of a pansy to put anymore fish in because i dont wanna fluch any more $$$

Did anyone else read this. I read cody's whole post and that was all i got out of it. hehehehe

That is good that it is doing better cody. Jsut take your time, and choose wisely. Don't buy so much on impulse, it is always trouble
i try not to buy on impulse, i only buy fish that i know about or have read about...

we will see how my flame angel does in a couple weeks when it goes in the tank

i ordered a couple buckets of reef crystals, so i will have my water change water ready and do a couple extra changes b4 then. i know, dont do tooo many
Were the fish showing ANY symptoms before they died? Any tiny white spots on them? Scratching against rocks? Fuzzy white patches on them at all? Heavy fast breathing? What do your ammonia, nitrate/ite and pH test at? Salinity?
no symptoms on any of the fish except the last one (coral hog) stopped eating and had foggy eyes and a little tail rot. all the others ate b4 bed and died when i was awake. NONE of the fish scratched on rocks, even the 2 that are still alive that showed ich didnt scratch, but they only ever got a few spots and have always eaten great

ammonia, nitrate/ite and pH are all perfect and always have been. salinity sits at around 1.022

just got my RC salt in this weekend, so im going to mix up another 20gal or so for a good water change
Sounds like velvet possibly, mixed in with ich. Copper in QT will take care of both.
my black percula clown pair looked like it had a mild case of velvet, but at the same time it didnt look like velvet at all.... wierd

i talked to klaus about it, and he gave me a name for what he thought it was, he said it can get picked up by the fish if they were swimming around with some wild fish.... i just cant remember what he said it was.

they both got over that and seem fine for the most part now. but the fish that the tank actually lost, did not have anything notable on their body at all, looked and acted perfectly healthy until i found them laying at the bottom

i just added my flame angel tonight after i had it in QT for 2 weeks with no ill signs at all. this is going to be my final try for the tank i think. if it dies then i will either start the tank over completely and re-cycle, or i will sell it all and keep my nano setup
Just in case nobody mentioned it before, you need to have the tank with no fish for 6 weeks to get rid of the Ich if it was in the tank.
On the skimmer going crazy, I have had this happen a couple of times after treatment for cyano. I just adjust the skimmer all the way down, and if that isn't enough to calm it down, I use a piece of sponge to slow the flow down into the intake of the pump.
Good luck.