Skimmer ideas


New member
Just recently my octopus 200 craped out on me and after doing some research decided to maybe get a new skimmer. I really like the recirculating skimmers. Just wondering your thoughts.

My tank is a 75g w/ 30g sump. 2 tangs, 5 chromis, 2 clownfish, wrasse, blenny, goby. I feed heavily. Maybe looking into running ozone in the future, any thoughts on that?

Some skimmers I was thinking about.

I have heard great things about both of these skimmers. The only downside to the DAS is it takes a few weeks to get.

Any comments?


I would just go with the Octo. Everyone loves them, they're easy to mod out, and there is great support for them in the equip forum. If you decide to meshwheel, lemme know and we can get together and do ours together, as I still havn't had the balls nor time to do it myself. Someone in the club has the enkamat still, I just forget who.

Recirc is P - I - M - P for lack of a better word :p

Can't go wrong, especially for the price...
i picked up the EX-1 from Petorama, 2 weeks to get it, Wish i had got the EX-2 only $ 140.00 more. The Ex-1 is a generic Deltec AP600, not as well made as the Euro-Reef RS 80 promo version i recently sold. Main reason i got it's that it is a Recirc so don't have to worry about water levels so much. Set it and forget it. Will use it for now because i can't spend 1k on a Euro-Reef RC with Eheim pump. But for the money these DAS with Aquabee pumps are great. I also looked at the Octopus DNW-150 Recirculating Protein Skimmer but heard that the generic Ocean Runner pumps are too noisy.
I'm very happy with my Bermuda Aquatics BPS-3C. It is VERY low maintenance, just clean out the collection cup and waste container 2x a week. The venturi never gets clogged and it pulls out lots of nasty skimmate from my 90. Eco Reef has them in stock and FMAS members get 10% off. They also make a HOB model for smaller tanks.