Skimmer Pondering....?

whats the equivalent coloum heigh of the skimmer?

If its pulling in so much air how do you get a long contact time, internal to the skimmer, and is there a trade off in size and what the skimmer will pull from the water??
Also just a thought when will tunze offer a multiple pump large skimmer.

At 22 watts a pump you could run 3 or 4 pumps to reach the wattage of a large euroreef yet pull in much more air?

Is it possible to get the pump and venturi and use them to mod an existing skimmer design??

Already run a 240 but if i could mod an exisiting non tunze skimm for less power.
There is some trade off in size but the skimmer is very powerful, I have seen it with my own eyes. Making it bigger would defeat our goal of always having the most powerful- smallest- skimmers on the market. In large parts of Europe most equipment is used in tank so being small is a necessity. I would see no reason you couldn't buy the pump seperate but it may not work that well because of the plumbing it connects to, A few things I know is that you can almost double air in take by the length of the jet tube after the venturi, so everything that is part of the skimmer design must be taken into account to get a really well working package.
Tunze has 3 different skimmers what is the difference among them
and what would you recommend for a 350gl tank with 450gl total in system
What are you keeping? The centrifuge models are the original. The system skimmers were designed for System filters which were an old fashioned in tank filter that munted on a fiberglass rail- soon to be phased out and they have limited applications. The Comline skimmers are the newest and best for in tank or tall sumps or specially partitioned sumps. In 2005 the DOC skimmer will replace Comline and the system ones will likely no longer exist. The Centrifuge models will remain unchanged for now.
I have fish, live rock, cleaning critters and starting to introduce corals now
5 tang 9d amsels and 4 other fish
tank is now 5 months old and the skimmer I have now is not adequate for this size tank
What kind of corals though. Not trying to be pain but for SPS you need to roughly half the rating on any skimmer.
I think the 3140/2 is your best bet of our current models otherwise the new 9015 would be better.
It is on the new products Interzoo 2004 flyer on the front page- it won't be out until fall to early spring.

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