skimmer question


New member
Hi Roger, I need some advice once again. I just added a sump to my tank and moved my 9002 from the tank to the sump. Its in the first chamber which the overflow box drains into. I moved it Friday and since then it has not even created a single bubble in the neck of the cup. There is a a little turbulance in the first chamber, but it is on the output side of the skimmer. The water level is steady, rite on the water mark. I have shut the screw off then opened between 2-4 turns and nothing. It was skimming like a champ before the move. Any help would be great. Thanks again, Mike.
I can think of 3 possibilities. Usually work like this is part of an overhaul which includes water change and stirring up sand and these alone could impact the skimmer performance.

If you opened or cleaned the skimmer maybe the airline got pinched during reassembly.

The water line should be regarded as the maximum and at this level some water gets drawn into the air intake, raising it so the water is about 1/2" below the marked line could result in an improvement as it would take in more air.
Roger it was a pinched airline. The funny thing is that I checked it twice over the last 2 days and didn't see it. It was pinched rite at the connection on the lid. Thanks again for taking the time. Mike.