Skimmer recommendation


Hi guys,

I'm in the process of planning some system upgrades and I'm fairly certain I am going to go with a Tunze skimmer, just not sure what the right choice is for my system. The display is a mixed reef with a fairly high bio load.

70 Gallon Display Tank
90 Gallon Frag / fish
20 Gallon Refugium
50 Gallon basement sump (standard size, center braced).

I was looking at the 9410 and the 9415 as possible options. Can you let me know what you would recommend? (Something not on the list is fine)

I think the 9415 is better suited due to the higher fish load, a 9410 would typically rate to about a 180 mixed reef, a 9415 to 240. I would say it is a 180 gallon system as the sump is basically just additional volume without bio load. The 9410 could do it, but the 9415 would be a safe margin of overkill especially when trying to keep a higher fish load with corals.
Thanks for the recommendation. I went with the 9415, solid piece of equipment. One quick question - what is 'normal' as far as overflow through the compensation port during the break-in period.

I seem to be getting a lot of flow through there (its only been in the tank a short time and I haven't adjusted much). It is producing a good amount of foam.....

Oh its also in about 7 inches of water.

Here is a video of it in operation....the pipe is all the way down at the moment.
The video shows a normal flow rate, it is not high enough to be drawn into the airline which is what would happen if the surface tension changed so a foam over was about to occur, lowering the water level 1/2-1" would reduce it more if it bothers you, it likely will also reduce in time, but a slow trickle from this port is always to be expected.