skunk cleaner shrimp


New member
Anyone know what store has em?? Also can you have more than one in a tank? Or maybe a skunk and a fire blood shrimp in the same tank??
I cannot keep skunk cleaners in either of my tanks, they get eaten (the one in my avatar was killed by a neon dottyback shortly after it molted). Fire (blood) shrimp have fared better, since they tend to hide in the rocks. In my 55, a large peppermint shrimp routinely cleans one of the Anthias. The first time I saw it, I thought the fish was dead and the peppermint was eating it. The fish was belly up and the shrimp was holding it. Weird.
picked up my skunk at big als, gave it to me for $15 since they weren't to big, original price is 20. They also had some blood fire shrimps and camels
I have three skunks, a peppermint and a fire shrimp. The fire shrimp seems to bully all the other shrimps, but they manage to get out of each others way. the skunks and pepermints will be fine with anybody that wont eat them!