Slap happy gorgonian

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7440020#post7440020 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Gary Majchrzak
Diodogorgia (the yellow gorgonian seen in this thread) isn't photosynthetic and needs to be fed regularly.

How regularly?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7440202#post7440202 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sloshes
How regularly?
It depends. Each aquarium is different. If your aquarium doesn't have a refugium or doesn't (naturally) produce a lot of zooplankton you might want to feed your Gorgonian once every day.
Are you going to let your 'horses perch on it?
They do perch on it. It's one's night time hitching post, though it stays totally open for most of the night. I've been target feeding every day, which means a do a LOT of water changes. I'm thinking that with a tank this small, the minimal filtration and the very good flow I have that they get bathed continually. Obviously I'd like to cut back a little to ease the changing schedule but not to the detriment of my gorgonian. It's pretty darn cool seeing that horse hooked up to that gorgonian when it's exploding.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7440322#post7440322 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sloshes
They do perch on it. It's one's night time hitching post, though it stays totally open for most of the night. I've been target feeding every day, which means a do a LOT of water changes. I'm thinking that with a tank this small, the minimal filtration and the very good flow I have that they get bathed continually. Obviously I'd like to cut back a little to ease the changing schedule but not to the detriment of my gorgonian. It's pretty darn cool seeing that horse hooked up to that gorgonian when it's exploding.

Am I way off here?
ItÃ"šÃ‚´s a Diodogorgia nodulifera.

ItÃ"šÃ‚´s better to put it in low ligthing areas, because of itÃ"šÃ‚´s a non photosynthetic coral, and in high ligthing areas it could be covered by algae o cyanobaterias, which could kill it.

A friend have one, he feeds the tank with live Brachionus plicatis every day; at first the Diodogorgia didnÃ"šÃ‚´t open, here are some pics:



He has only obeserved to respond to Brachionus, not to phyto or other foods.

Some time feeding with zooplancton, and here are the result:


All pics by Joan Xavier the owner of the gorgonian.

Good luck,
