It is base on the Balling Light formula but with a few extra things added of my own tweak
Bottle 1 - Reef Halogen - Bromide, Iodine, Fluorine
Bottle 2 - Reef Booster - Strontium, Barium
Bottle 3 - Reef Metals - Copper, Cobalt, Manganese, Iron, Zinc, Nickle, Chromium, Molybdenum, Selenium, vanadium.
Bottle 4 - Boron
Bottle 5 - Potassium
Bottle 6 - Amino acids, vitamins and electrolyte
What is still in a trial testing phase is selenium and vanadium as I am still not sure if I will incorporate it into my final formula.
Going to keep in trial till I am happy it is beneficial or a waste of money. :debi:
First 3 bottles 1, 2, 3 goes into the Alk and Cal (randy recipe 1)
Bottle 4 and 5 - into their own as it can be combined. Just need to work out how much potassium your own system use as it vary with different system.
Bottle 6 - That is on its own dosing line.
So basically you can use a 4 channel dosing pump and you are good to go.
Keeping sps corals growing and colourful. :strooper:
Ideally it doesn't make sense to DIY as it cost is alot more than what you would pay individual commercially available product - like the Aqua forest, RedSea, Fauna Marin, Tropic Marin. But over the long term say after 2 years.
The cost would break even and it is pretty much free.
This is base on a 400 L tank - which is common - The economical scale is even better as your tank goes up in size.
If it works very well, you can even sell some to your local reefer friends. :thumbsup: