sleeping puffer?


New member
my sharpnose puffer seems to have a very odd way of sleeping. About half hour after the lights go off, he just plops down where he is, his colors get very light, and just sits there as if in a trance. I figure the little guy is sleeping. The first time i saw this i thought he was dead, so i went to scoop him up but he just got startled and swam off. Do other peoples puffers or any other fish sleep like this. It still worries me when i see it.
I can't help you with that as none of my fish do that. But how do you like that little puffer. Does he get along with your other fish. Do you think he would be alright with the fish in my tank? You can see the fish I have in my signature. Also do you have any crabs or snails in your tank and does he mess with them?
thanks for the replies, i figured thats how they slept, just seemed wierd and too exposed.
Sean, the fish is easily my favorite fish. It leaves all the fish alone and for the most part, the fish leave it alone. I only have one aggresive fish, who bothers the other two fish in the tank but leaves alone the puffer. However, i woudl not want to see some damsels go against a puffer cause they are too slow. Also, if you dont mind me saying, with 8 fish including a tang in a 50 gallon, i would think its pretty packed. My puffer eats A LOT and contributes a lot of waste, thus only have 3 small fish and a tang in my 75. So, perhaps rethink a sharpnose with the blue devil. Also, I cant really add crabs or shrimp because its the favorite snack of my pink spotted goby. The other day i did try 5 hermits, 3 emeralds, 1 sallylight foot and 60 snails. The puffer made quick work of the hermits. He attempts to eat the emeralds all thet ime, but they sneak into a little whole in time, he completley leaves alone the snails, and chased the sally light foot around the tank for about 15 mintues in what was a very amusing thing to watch until he chased it into the mouth of the goby.
Hope that helps
my niger trigger no longer fits in the hole he'd usually sleep in and so for a while, he was simply just locking his head in there while the rest of his body is in the open, and now he's a tad bit bigger and can't do that anymore, he sleeps in the same hole was my blue tang. he doesn't nip at anything, he'd just chase the firefish back in its hole once or twice a day but besides that he's real calm. he doesn't even touch my zoo's. he does chase new comers around for quite a bit though. he's a cool cat!