Slimy Coating on Acro Tips


New member
Hey guys,

One of my acros keeps developing this slimy coating on its branches and I'm not sure why.
It's in a nice flow area and under MH lights. Other acros in that vicinity are doing fine, but not this guy.
A few times I've shook it around in the tank water and all the slimy film has come off of it, but then again a few weeks later, same thing.

What is this, what should I do about it, is the coral dead, is the slimy film affecting other corals when it gets blown off of it?

Any advice would help

Thanks so much
water params and lighting specs are all good. All other corals are doing great, but here are the params anyways:

SG 1.024
temp 78-82
amm, nitrite/ate - 0
PO4 = 0
mag - 1300
ca - 420
alk - 7-8dkh