Slow growth...would like suggestions


New member
pH = 8.2
NO2, NO3, NH4 = 0
Ca = 480
Alk = 3
Salinity = 1.021

I dose with Reef Complete, Alkaline and Trace according to package

I've got 2 x 250 MH and 220 VHOs

I feed on average 3x per week using cyclopeez and coral plankton

I've got a Mag 7, Tunze stream and small internal pump running.

My acros(middle placement), zoos, rics (bottom) , brain (middle), etc seem to maintain their size without growth. Clams are doing awesome! It's been this way for months. Is there anything I can do to jump start?
What are the colors of your corals? Is the tissue dark or lighter color? What test kits are you using and the age. I didn't notice your PO4 reading. You could raise your salinity a bit. But all the other params are great. I run an extremely low nutrient tank and I have .03 Po4 with the hanna. It is hard to remove all the NO3 and PO4 from a tank though that is the only reason I am asking about your test kits and age of them.
Other questions people may ask is:
any copper used in the system?
any supplement ie. essential elements added, cromoplex, etc?
Have you had this slow growth before?

I'm guessing my temp fluctuates between 72 and 76 throughout the day from when the lights come on to when they go off.

As far as I can tell params are stable, but I'm using the generic saltwater masters test kit from american pharmaceutical, inc. Seatest for the alk and american again for calcium.

Pretty low bioload...I'll post pictures if I can figure it out.

I thought my salinity is low...will raise to 1.025

I've never measured PO4, but use RO/DI.

No suppliments other than what's listed.

I've had them for about 4-5 months.

Pardon the flash


Yeah I agree, 72 is a alot low..... I also think that a swing between 72-76 is pretty large for keeping acros...usually want only 1-2 degree swing in 24hrs. Also what spectrum are they??? Are the bulbs replaced regularly??? How far are the lights off the water??? If all other perams. are ok I would guess lighting and temp.
lower temperature generally means lower metabolism and slower growth.

I personally feel your salinity and Alk are low.

The corals Captive age is important. I have a Monti mollis that I fragged off the base of an acro at about he size of a quarter. I have it in 4 locations in 3 different systems now and most the pieces are getting to be more like a dollar bill size now. 75 % of that growth has been in the last3 months. All pieces in all systems are oing through a huge growth spurt. I attribute it to the corals "Captive AGE" It is now 2.5 years old in Captivity years
What magnesium level? I try to keep that above minimum. If I get low in that, the candycane and frogspawn get a little less poofed. I run 1.24, with a temperature of about 76, MH 250 at 15 inches above highest-set corals.
The bit about 'captive age' is really interesting. I have a green slimer that came off a piece from 1997, and nothing fazes it. It's recently fragged, only just beginning to grow, but the vigor of the polyps is amazing---no matter what goes on in the tank, no matter how surly everything else may be, that particular coral is always fluffed to the max.
It sounds like temp and salinity may be my problem. One MH is about 8mos and the other is 2 VHOs are about 8 mos old. I could probably use new ones. I'll get a heater this weekend.
I'd agree on Salinity, Alk being a little low. Wouldn't bump Alk that much - but a little would be good IMO.

Temp seems low as well - lower temp = slower metabolism ... I also feel like I've had a little less algae, little better color when slightly lower - but my `slightly lower' is 77/78. I'd raise temp a little, and consider fans/etc to keep temp-swing down.

Also would echo the `captive time' idea ... also add to it `time in my system'. I've had corals sit for 3-6 months [a few] without much beyond encrusting ... and it seems like the longer in my system, the more corals thrive. Sometimes patience [and captive strains] can be all that is required. Sadly, a sweet SPS tank normally was grown in over a year IMO.