Small Clam problem, any suggestions?


New member

Yesterday I purchased a small Tridacna Crocea, a real beauty
trouble is I didn't really notice how small it was until I got it home and saw it next to my other crocea and maxima anyway I picked a nice spot for it
but horror, my sally lightfoot crab (which is quite large) kept pestering it and trying to turn it upside down, last night all appeared well but when I came down this morning it was lying on it's side with my other crocea and the crab was lurking nearby.

I thought it was a goner but I made a depression out of some epoxy and little stones and put it in a plastic fish trap I have and it has opened out and seems to be ok what I want to ask is, is it all right to leave it in there for a couple of days to give it a chance to attach itself properly to the rocks/epoxy the trap has a door so nothing can get into it and that will give me a chance to catch the sally (which I suspect of a goby death)

What do ya think, I've also been feeding it some Marine Deluxe
as I understand it can be beneficial to feed smaller clams


Thanks for the replies!

I think you are absolutely right and the sally will be going
meantime is it ok to keep the clam in the fish trap meantime?
It certainly seems happy enough, mantle is extended nicely

The clam is approx 11/2 to two inches in size


My Sally lives in the overflow box and I put it there before getting any clams.I'm hunting down hirmits now and will remove them as well.
Thanks to everyone for their help I have caught sally and she's now residing in a large bucket till tommorrow when one of my friends is taking her (as I don't have a sump) which is good as I would never kill something just cause it wasn't behaving the way I would want! ha ha

Anyway thanks again and I will keep you posted on the little clam

