Small Maroon and his very strange behavior!


New member
So I got a nice gold stripped maroon last week, and he went into my small 3" RBTA in a matter of minutes. The last 2 days or so though I've seen my RBTA close completely up and today while I was at home for lunch, the Maroon clown started doing something totally weird and unexpected. He started biting and rubbing my sebae anemone (or brown bubble tip no one knows which). He would literally suck or bite on the tentacles and foot. It is also hosting a porcelain crab who didn't really care about this craziness.

Now how should I handle this? Should I be concerned for my anemones? Is this normal behavior? Any tips or advice would go along way in this strange world of crazy clownness!

Clownfish often bite the tentacles of anemones they are adjusting to as hosts. I wouldn't worry about it unless the clown's rough play seems to be too much for the anemone.

Clownfish often bite the tentacles of anemones they are adjusting to as hosts. I wouldn't worry about it unless the clown's rough play seems to be too much for the anemone.


Yes, normal behavior.

This is a fantastic pic!!
Not really on topic, but my pom-pom crab lost his pom-poms a little while ago. I've seen it with GHA it its claws a few times, but found it with a BTA tentacle the other day.

What's really weird is he is hosting 2 different species of anemones!!!!

Mhm, Clownfish are known to readily 'host' multiple anemones. There's a tomaato in the LFS where I work at that 'hosts' 5 anemones. S/he surfs around in all five and takes food to all five.