small white patches on ACRO


New member
Hey, I need help. My acro has some white patches on it. They appear mostly on the undersides. They last a couple days and then go away leaving the tissue under the white patches white. After a couple of weeks the tissue grows back. Is this a bacteria? Is it normal? I can't find any pictures that resemble it on the net. Thank you for you time.
any other corals in your tank with the same thing happening? If I were you I would go get some Tropic Marin Pro Coral Cure. Get a big bowl and fill it full of tank water. Shake up the Pro Coral Cure and squirt it in the bowl full of water and mix it till it looks like lite tea. Put your affected coral in the bowl and let it sit there for 15 minutes. After that shake the coral or use a powerhead to blow on it to check for AEFW (Acro Eating Flat Worms) There is some good threads on here about them. These things are nasty and can wreak havoc on your corals.

What I see in the pic you posted doesn't quite have the tell tale signs but it very well could be.

Good luck. Either way I think the Pro Coral Cure is a good thing.

It looks symptomatic of low alk. I'd suggest checking your alk level with a good test kit and adjust as needed.
I have the exact same problem. Pulled the colony and dipped it. Cut it up. Have about 50 frags (big colony) and about 8 larger colony size pieces. Only seems to effect my Acropora nana. last night, I noticed some of my frags starting the same thing. Looked, but didn't see any flatworms (or eggs). Always seems to start in the middle of the colony or on the underside of the branch.

Very annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14406115#post14406115 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by eskymick
It looks symptomatic of low alk. I'd suggest checking your alk level with a good test kit and adjust as needed.
Agreed... I've seen the same thing happen in QT when ALK was at adequate levels, but not stable enough.

I still would recommend looking into AEFWs though, as in the first pic the base of the coral seems to be receeding as well.
Thank you for your replys. There are no corals close enough to sting it. None of my other corals have any patches on them. My Alk is very stable around 10. I add Ca and Alk every day with two part. The tissue at the bottom of the coral has been there since I got the frag and has not gotten better or worse.

Chris, Is ther any problems with the Tropic Marin Pro Coral Cure? I mean, how safe is it?
One of my frags that is doing the same thing. I cut the parent colony up after it started doing the same thing and started dying from the inside out. I had a stone crab in the coral and initially thought that was it. The particular frag was growing out of the top of the water. Hence the "burned" look at the tip.

I have a and orange digi that is doing the same thing but worse. im working now to raise the alk since it was down around 7 or maybe just below. All of my other corals seems ot be fine so i think it may have also been from improper light acclimation.
Ok, so a super old thread...but an interesting one. Did anyone figure this out? Was it low alk, aefw, or maybe something stinging it?