smaller triggers


New member
hi all.
i'm thinking of doing a 55g FOWLR tank, and i've read that humas and blotch/bursas are some of the smaller triggers that would be feasible in such a tank. also i was considering a whitespot toby or valentini toby. are there any other smaller triggers/aggressives you would suggest?
Actually, fitting a large trigger in a 55 gallon tank will work, but it is hard. For example, when you put the triggers in the tank, you have to put them in at the same time so they will not fight due to limited space. Furthermore, you will have to do many water changes since you will be feeding the triggers a lot. Even putting a small trigger in can be as challenging.
I wouldn't put a valentini in with a trigger. if it got picked on by the trigger you could end up with a poisoned tank.
IMO, a trigger can do very well in a 55. But the rub comes when the temptation to buy that (pick a cool fish) that the lfs just got in and it would be sooo cool to have also. Then in no time, you've overstocked...Honestly, do one better and get a 75+ that way you can get the trigger and a friend....not much more in money or filtration to get a near 37% bigger tank.
i already got the 55g from someone... and i don't really have room for too much bigger. so in this tank, i'm thinking a huma for sure.... what would/could you put in with it?
a small dwarf angel, or a small tang like a purple or kole. that small a tank theres not a lot you can put in there with it.
I would do a wrasse personally. Something that swims a lot and can fight at dinner time. I would look into a six-line. Various damsels could be nice also...