Smasher I.D.?


New member
Sorry for the clarity... I took these shots locally at a store and a yellow tang kept getting in front of the lens.

Can anyone ID it from these?


I'm just going to take a wild guess at my own pictures and guess Gonodactylus Chiragra or Gonodactylus platysoma?


Good guess. It is a Gonodactylus platysoma, a species common on reef flats from French Polynesia to the Indian Ocean. This one is fairly light in color suggesting that it came from a white sandy atoll. Maximum size is around 85 mm. The only quirky things I've noticed about them is that they are fairly shy and when they molt, they can stay closed up without feeding for a couple of weeks.

Thanks Dr. Roy. This one looked to be about 3" long so already an adult I guess. As much as I'd like to fill a vacant tank with another interesting species, I think I'll have to pass if size tells this one's age. Great looking stomatopod though...

I guess I shouldn't be greedy and also say that I saw this one at Amazon Aquarium in Alameda. They had priced it at $19.99.

To be honest, G. platysoma are not the thoughest stomatopods. I have kept many and rarely to they last more than a year in captivity. I don't know why. I just had one molt about three weeks ago. It looked fine although it did not eat for a couple of weeks - and then died. Given its habitat, I would expect them to be a bit more robust in captivity. On the other hand, I think they are one of the most dramatically colored of all stomatopods. They are also great fun to chase down on a reef flat!

Hmm... That's interesting that they aren't as hardy as some others. I was beginning to think that they were fine in bad water conditions like the big L. Maculata in the Waikiki Canal.

The LFS guy did his best at helping me and without a species called it "One of those East Coast Mantises." I agree that it's a great looking one though.

Roy, it sounds like you've been around the world a few times researching all of these... Sounds like a great time. Your lab doesn't ever have an "open house" for visitors does it? :)

Thanks again for all the help.

