Snail infestion


New member
when the lights went off after about and hour turned them back on i think their were about 50+ baby snails, some are definately cerith, the only other snails i have in the tank is 1 turbo and 5 bumblebee. is this a problem
Bumble bees are NOT algae grazers and the eat your microfauna.

You just have been blessed with an abundance, not an infestation of grazers. Baggie them up and pass them along.
i am not sure they are bumblebees, because they are still so small and white. it was just a guess but definately not cone shaped like the cerith
I think letmegrow was talking about the 5 bumblebees you knew you had.

Cerith are good. One of my favorite snails. And they are hard to find locally.
You said you had 5 bumblebee snails, so I was saying that they were predatory.

The other snails are harmless regarless.
Are they Stomatella's? I have a bunch of them and I keep seeing new ones. I see them on my rockwork and my glass espeically after lights out and earliy in the morning. From Meleve's reef:
They eat copepods, amphipods, any pods, and worms and anything else that is small enough for them to eat.

With your clean up crew you are killing your free clean up crew thats better than one you could ever buy.
bjc451 are they like less than a 1/4 inch but look like white cerith? I have those too. Mainly see them at night. I thought they were baby cerith when I had some in my tank but they don't seem to be getting bigger.

On a side note anyone seen any stomatellas locally? I had one hitchhiker but it disappeared. I would like to find a few.
I'm looking for stomatellas as well. I've got one right now and I need to find him a girl friend before he dies.

I've got other in-tank breeding safe snails, stars, pods and other critters if anyone wants to trade.
Yeah, my parents live in O'Fallon, MO and I've been known to come up just to pick up a few frags (hint, hint, if you have anything you'd like to frag and sell/trade with me). I'm also planning on going to the SEASL meeting on Saturday and making a stop at Gateway Aquatics to check out the new store.
I could probably dig up some stomatella's for a frag trade or something. I've got a whole bunch, all of which came as hitchikers. PM me if interested. I'd mostly like some unusual zoo's or other softies.
Now that's a good idea, some colorful zoa's (or possibliy anythig else) for half dozen stomatella's. PM me if you are going to the meeting and want me to bring some for you.