Snorkeling In Marco Island?


New member
I am planning a trip to Marco Island at the end of August...has anyone ever snorkeled there? Any FYI's I should be aware of?

Thanks in advance!!

On the south end of the island go to the public beach. The access is right next to the Apollo which is a big yellow condo building with a restaraunt/bar in it. There are some rocks there that you can snorkel around. If you swim around the corner towards the huge pink Cape Marco condos the who sea wall is covered in rocks. Just be careful with the current on the point.
...and that's really about it for Marco. Try and catch the spot SteelCity is talking about at slack tide. Otherwise the water will be churned up, and you'll be kicking for dear life. Also if you swim maybe 35 yds. out from the beach there are 3 jetties stocked with snook, snapper, inverts, lobster. Enjoy!