snowflake eel good are bad


New member
I was looking to put a snowflake eel in my 55gl tank. I was wondering will it bother other fish or corals. Poeple have told me there pretty piecefull. The hide in the rock. Or if you put some small pvc pipe they hide there. Or burry themselves in the sand
I don't trust any predatory fish with fish small enough to fit in it's mouth. Even if people say that certain eels only eat crustaceans. Just know Snowflakes get big and they for sure eat fish. They're terrible at actively seeking out prey though, moray eels have poor eyesight and depend largely on touch (feeling vibrations in the water) and smell to catch their food.
There's a pretty good chance it may try to eat your fish, keeping it well fed may help, but not necessarily. Also they like to dig and will create a sand storm in your tank.
I have a snowflake, If you have small fish then i would stay away. My SF doesnt bother any of my fish but it doesnt mean that someday a fish will swim by and he'll be hungry and then no more fish. Hes been in my tank over 6 months and hasnt touched anythign but there is always that possibility. In a few months hes going to be ina diff tank with bigger tankmates

On the other hand I love my SF and I think theyre really cool to have. Great conversation piece and its always fun when you ahve someone over who has never seen an eel and he slides across the front of the tank :) My first SF i kept for almost 3 years in a tank with shrimp, crabs, and a royal gramma. He never even attempted to touch any of them but he got sick and died

Its really up to you but it does stink when your 30 dollar eel eats a 30 dollar or more expensive fish.
I would ster clear of a Eel in your tank for several reasons.
They are great escape artists and are fairly strong, so you have to have a tank that is sealed well.
They will burrow under rockwork and can knock over rocks and corals, and also will eat anyhting small enough that will fit into its mouth.