Snowflake eel is losing coloration...


New member
Hi folks.. i got a 55 gallon tank and i recently had an ammonia spike do to adding a few fish to tank"¦ i have been doing water changes and been adding amquel to lower ammonia levels .3ppm>1ppm added amquel then .3ppm and still adding amquel"¦ i've noticed my snowflake eel's spots are fading and he is geting white patches on body"¦ he is very lively and is eating alot"¦ i noticed he started getting the white patches and could be do to any reason"¦ i recently started using tetra aquasafe in new water for water change, dosing food with garlic, and adding amquel"¦. do you think it's ammonia burn?
It definitely could be ammonia problems, is your filter very big for the tank size?

Also it could be low pH causing the issues, I've had that happen with a couple fish of mine when I added new fish and they were producing a lot more waste than I was used to which contributed to a quickly dropping pH, I saw white patches on some of my tangs and angels but I was able to compensate by doing large water changes until my filter caught up to my bioload.

I'd suggest doing a BIG water change.
I cycled my tank with my snowflake so you will probably be fine. When you say its eating a lot do you man that you are feeding it a bunch every day? Because that will only increase your ammonia problem.
I need help too

I need help too

I have a snowflake eel in my 60 gallon, the only other inhabit is a chocolate starfish currently. Okay so let me start from the beginning, I did a water change as normal, I did about 10 gallons out of the 60 and replaced it with clean new water. I added some buffer to raise my pH from an 8 to 8.1 and about an hour or two later I noticed my pincushion urchins spines were falling off, it was late and my local fish store was not available so I looked online and found that it was because of bad water quality. I then realized that I had used expired water conditioner so I bought a new conditioner at Walmart and immediately started replacing water. I replaced 12 gallons. Also , I had run out of my good conditioner which was why I used the expired one and later on realized, I hadn't been using this bad conditioner since this recent water change so the rest of the water should be ok. Anyways, I woke up the next morning to find my urchins spines all completely laying down, later on the starfish began to eat it and it is for sure dead. My starfish looks unaffected but my snowflake eel is losing coloring, I tried feeding him and he gladly took the food. What do I do???