Orange krushes are really insane rics, they are quite expensive but I bought three because their beauty.
What did that cost you if you don't mind me asking? Its nice. Looks a little mad though but you did just put it in the tank.
$100 shipped
I can just rubberband this guy to a rock right? Won't cause any harm?
Not so sure you should use a rubber band on a Ric. I have placed them on some RR in a slow flow area and they attached pretty fast. I also see people put them in Tupperware?
PS. Nice Ric
It had a tiny piece of rubble attached to it......I mean tiny, like the half the size of your pinky nail. I was able to superglue that to a much larger piece of rubble, so all is good.
$100 shipped
Wait, are you kidding me? This thread is for real?? Someone really named a ric?
In all seriousness, I thought it was a joke and it made me laugh the last few days. It was funny, pretending coral naming had gotten so out of hand that someone had actually slapped one onto a ric to weasel a few extra bucks. If it's for real that's just sad.
Did you really pay $100dlls for that ric? It's very nice for sure and I know this because I have lots of them in my tank. $100dlls is totally a ridiculous price but I guess some people are ok with that.
Really, I'm sorry I ever started this thread.
Peace out...