The Redox probe works flawlessly. I would like to say that it is reporting 330 mv, which I'm happy with. The salinity probe, however, is another matter. It normally runs @ 78 degrees between 35 and 36 ppt. Which equates to about 1.025 to 1.026 density. Then for no reason it will start reading about 34.3, which is way wrong. I then shake the probe and it jumps back to the 35 to 36 range. Also when I tell the profilux to convert to density, it always stays at 1.025. I know it should be 1.026 according to the ppt table given temp. I would think that it should at least go up as the days pass by. I really didn't want to use the ppt table, just want to get a quick glance of the density. Also since I installed the probes, the Profilux has hung up, no lights, just the sim sticks on and the display not cycling. Before this my unit had been working flawlessly for around 6 months. Any idea's ???