So it the consensus that big worms are good, bad, or harmless/neutral?


Premium Member
I'm breaking down my 10 gallon refugium/old baby rearing tank and moving the rock into my large tank, sump and 24 gallon. Got down to the bottom rocks and found one with a few bristle worms and one BIG fat worm that I've never seen before. He's brown and segmented - not bristle wormy. I can try to get a picture.

My guess is that he's harmless because I've had all manner of tiny fish in that tank over the years. But figured I'd better pause to check him out before I just move him into the 55.

Any worm collectors out there? He might just be a good scavenger.
Could be a eunice worm. In the pictures I have seen they are brown and segmented with a few tufts of bristles. I think the defining characteristic is 5 tenticles on top of the head. They are not friendly critters.
Oh he does have like a crown of tenticles on top of his head and he's about 12" long all spread out.

I'll do a search for eunice worm.

Sounds like a eunicid worm. They can be PITA's. Could also be a medussa worm. Both are not friendly, not much either of them can 't eat. Bring up here I'll tell you for sure, I've kept them both.

Rule of thumb is if you can identify a Head and Tail , not that it moves in a specific direction it's probably bad.
Thanks ... I've looked up pictures and that's definitely what he is. I had a feeling since his mouth looks like it's made for munching.

I wondered why I could never keep snails in that tank!

Chris, do you want him or did you just want to look at him? I'll bring him to you if you want him. Otherwise, I think I should give him a humane demise.
Okay ... I'll take a picture of him before I put him in the freezer or flush him down the loo Seems kind of mean, but he is pretty cool looking.