so why did you start collecting zoa's ?

I know this topic is about collecting/collectors according to the title, but I wouldn't consider myself to be either. I would say that I'm a coral grower, zoa/paly keeper or just a dedicated reefer.

They were the only corals to intrigue me and they grew like crazy for me with every purchase.

I agree with everyone else in that they were so affordable back then. An entire colony as the OP said of 100 polyps of anything was $ 35 to $ 65 dollars and football size rocks for $ 85 which encompassed nearly 200 polyps. Then came names, lies and hype.......and here we are.


That is a great way to put it. I also grow the corals I like, and do well for me.
We can deal with this in a pm or a new thread.

Either way I like to aquaculture zoas so I can sell them at a lower price to others.
Brother, I never said u were stupid, u said that yourself... I would never tell anyone that... I may not agree with the practices of some, but i would never go so low as to name call. You are the one who called us all too cheap to have nice corals, and we are the problem the prices on corals are sooo high. Which I still cannot wrap my head around... If we dont buy them, how are we contributing to the price hike?
However, I simply said spending more money does not mean your corals are nicer or better looking than mine... Nothing more, nothing less.

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and this is why i dont come on here much myself anymore, try to start a normal thread and the price part always jumps up on it. because someone spent this or that does not make the zoa any more special till it melts, btw once more before i ask to have thread closed please keep it to topic
and this is why i dont come on here much myself anymore, try to start a normal thread and the price part always jumps up on it. because someone spent this or that does not make the zoa any more special till it melts, btw once more before i ask to have thread closed please keep it to topic

In all fairness, and I can't say for sure, but I think the reason many are replying with why they got into reefing and also prices is because you kinda opened the door when you spoke of it yourself up top when you said...

"i think the most i ever paid for a zoa was 3 polyps of darth mauls and i paid $50 for those and have done that 3 or 4 times with different one's. i almost have to laugh now days seeing a single polyp sell for $50+ with the rate they grow i could have retired if i was into doing this"

So I think many were just agreeing with you my friend. To help keep your thread on track, just repost it below in bold text and omit the part on prices. I think that will work wonders to keep part of everyone's reply off that topic. Just an idea, just trying to help is all.

Good luck, nice thread BTW.

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I started collecting them, because I grew a colony of them out of no where in my second reef system. They came in volunteer on a piece of pipe organ coral I had purchased and they soon spread out and covered numerous LR pieces within the aquarium. I was intreguied by their appearance, their diversity of colors, and the ease with which they grew and spread. I've been hooked every since.
I started collecting for two reasons, One lighting PC!!!, second and definitely the best is the color that you are able to get.


should have been more clear in my origanal post when i put the price thing. i got zoa's cause it was the easiest and cheapest way to fill my tank up, thats why i put the price's. then once i had them under my overly blue pc lighting and seen the colors really start to glow i was hooked. lets see if this works with the pic's of my first tank, ok that didnt work will try later
and this is why i dont come on here much myself anymore, try to start a normal thread and the price part always jumps up on it.
In this particular thread, it jumped in on the first post. I think the one who posted it was.... Um..... Yep, you.

And frankly, price is still a prime reason I collect zoas.

great colors and varieties. Don't take up a lot of space. Mostly easy to keep. Really easy to frag and trade with others.

But most of all I think they are the coolest looking coral
I've collected them for all the pretty colors! Gotta love em...easy to keep too!
thought id toss some pics in, as i dont see any? :)

Section on LHS


I love zoas because a majority of them grow and multiply quickly, they come in a wide variety of colors and most are not difficult to keep.
Oh, also forgot they are readily traded and sold and depending where you get them and what type they can be affordable if not a steal.
I began to collect zoas because of they are beautiful and also sounds like easy to do maintenance. But found out the 2nd part's wrong.

well 6 years or so ago i started my first reef after a 10 yr mia and back then i wouldnt have called it a reef lol pair of clowns and a anenome stuck in my window with some crappy pc lighting and a hob filter,
well after moving to NY from the midwest { man i miss the country accents } i got into keeping cichlads, and just kept seeing all the reefs at the store and all the zoa's they use to get in, 50-100 polyp colonies for 35-65 and the really nice colonies were maybe $85 so after a talk with my fiance and getting the go ahead my fw tank went out the door and in came a 29g system with hob fuge hob skimmer and so on, and off i was in collecting zoa's till i ran out of room with the colonies, fortunate early on in the hobby i found my local online forum MR and met a few decent honest reefers. learnt what frags were so i started to beg my lfs to frag some of the zoa colonies so i could buy more and more of them lol and started to frag some of my colonies just so i could get more different morphs into my tank.
well fast forward 6 years and i am still into them as much as back then but also got the colored stick bug as my current tank is half zoa half sps. i have cut back alot on my zoa's and think i am down to just 25 morphs.
over the years id say i have had atleast 200 different morphs and use to love finding the bland one's just to see what they would turn into, personally i think the most i ever paid for a zoa was 3 polyps of darth mauls and i paid $50 for those and have done that 3 or 4 times with different one's. i almost have to laugh now days seeing a single polyp sell for $50+ with the rate they grow i could have retired if i was into doing this. if you need a macro lense and led to see what it really looks like then it isnt worth paying crazy money for, my friends dont come over and say hey let me see the magnifying glass to check those out. im am by no means against the names for them as it is nice to say a name and know which morph is being talked about, but that same zoa wont look the same in everyone's tank.
well i guess to sum it up why i got into zoa's was just all the different colors and the way they grew like carpet over my rocks, one day i will do a all zoa tank again, hmmm maybe i could just start putting them all in my seahorse tank.