Solar 1000 dimmer version 4.0


New member
Purchased a used system that includes an older Solar 1000 dimmer. There's no instruction manual! Does anyone have it? I checked with blueline and they no longer support the 4.0 version. We cannot program it unless we have the manual.
2 VHO, 2 moon lights, and one metal halide. I read that we cannot connect the metal halide to the dimmer. The VHOs are connected ice cap ballast.
Does it have a place to plug in a moon light in the back?
Are you trying to find out how to wire it?
Or program it?
One thing I have to tell you about these dimmers, is if you have a burned out bulb they will still light with the icecap ballast, but if you run the dimmer it will burn out the ballast. The safety feature that shuts down the ballast is defeated when using the dimmer. So if you donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t have a bulb installed properly, instead of the ballast shutting down it will just burn out and you will have to send it in for repair. Its happened to me more then once. You have to check your bulbs carefully with an ohm meter when you install them. They usually burn out when dimming up. You shouldnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t have a problem if you have the end caps mounted and good bulbs.
found it!

found it!

Gobie--thanks for responding to our problem. After returning to the garage and digging through the box of stuff that the former owner gave us along with the tank, we actually found the manual. Lights are already wired, we just needed to program the 1000. Thanks again.