Some Anthias I've known...


New member
By far, these are my favorite genus of fish...

I think I have captured some decent/usable images. However, I could use the feedback of some more scrutinizing eyes. If you have any tips, observations, etc., I would appreciate it.

For PP, I use Photoshop Elements and various Nik Software plug-ins.

So, here goes...









Thank you for looking, and any provided feedback...!
You have some good shots.
Just like people photography, I would try to focus on the eyes when shooting. Because of this, your shots are slightly OOS. I know fish tend to not stay where you want them to be, but focus on the eyes, shoot with a fast shutter, and you should be ok.

What kind of camera/lens are you using?

Thanks for the feedback...I was wondering if they were slightly off...but wasn't sure if it was just me...

With that being said, it is the second picture that stands out to me...are they all that way?...also, I have had discrepancies between different computer screens and printing, regarding the color they look over saturated to you?

I shot these with a Canon XS...and 1. is with a 50mm prime, 2. and 3. are with a 100mm macro, and 4. is with a 70-135...

Just recently I got a Canon 60D, so now I am learning all the settings...again.

Thanks again!
The 3rd and 4th pictures are better focused on the eyes, but could be sharper. To me I like the colors, it gives a pop to the pictures. Yea, using different computers will throw off your colors when printing as well. I have my photo printer and monitors calibrated to my main desktop computer only, and i only use my laptop for quick previews of pictures, all editing done on main desktop.

The 60D should give you some better results in picture quality;)
Just keep on shooting and play with your settings.
Also, make sure you use Custom WB so all your shots stay consistent.
+1 for calibrating your monitor. And don't use custom white balances. Shoot in RAW and set your white balance while post processing. It's much easier and results in more accurate colors.
Thanks for taking the time, and giving me some feedback...

...and that is the beauty of the digital photography age, mcuh easier to practice, practice, practice!
+1 for calibrating your monitor. And don't use custom white balances. Shoot in RAW and set your white balance while post processing. It's much easier and results in more accurate colors.

Agreed with raw, but shooting in a custom balance will make it easier to batch adjust all the pics in PP all at once. Either way, he is on his way to taking great photos!

Good luck!